Fall is a time of transition, a time to slow down, to move within and reflect. You see and feel it in nature and in the environment. As the trees go back into their roots, we can take this as an opportunity to also draw in, retreat, reflect and reconnect. Contemplation is meant to be a learning opportunity, the opportunity to become more aware and mindful.
The Fall Equinox is a perfect time to create your own ritual for reflection, and recommit to more conscious, constructive, and compassionate behavior.
Fall is the perfect time to take a walk in nature. Grab a notebook, pen, your hiking shoes and take a journey physically, emotionally and spiritually. Here are some questions you can ask yourself as you walk in nature… you can record them in your notebook.
- What no longer serves you, what can you leave behind?
- What areas in your life are you out of balance and in what ways can you incorporate balance into your daily life?
- In the last 3 months, what gifts or uniqueness have you discovered about yourself and how can you use this to help others?
Write the answers to the above questions on a separate page in your notebook and enjoy your walk.
Perferably around sunset – when night and day stand in the balance, take the page out of your notebook. Go outside and burn the page as an offering and an intention. I like using a plant pot as it helps to contain the fire. The smoke symbolizes the intentions your are setting forth, these intentions are rising up and into the Universe. Know in your heart your intentions are being heard by the Universe and the Divine is supporting you. The remaining ash symbolizes those areas in your life that you wish to leave behind. Make sure the fire is completely out and only ash is left. This ritual can be an easy yet powerful approach to connect with your Higher Self and transition into the Fall season. Enjoy your practice!