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Sweet Potato Vegetable Medley

March 28, 2016

Sweet Potato MedleyYum! I created this vegetable medley that is packed with vitamins and minerals. Easy to make and nutritious. There is a burst of sweetness with the date and love the little bit of crunch that comes from the pecans.

1 Large Baked Sweet Potato

1 TBSP Coconut Oil

4 Carrots, Sliced

1/4 Onion, Sliced

1 Cup Kale or Spinach, Chopped

20 Pecans, raw

6 Dates

Salt to taste

Bake or microwave the sweet potato, while this is baking heat up a medium sized pan. In the heated pan start with the coconut oil and add the sliced carrots, saute for about 3 minutes, then add the onion and saute for another 3 minutes. Next add the kale or spinach, cover, turn down the heat to low and cook for 3 minutes.

Take the baked sweet potato, cut in half and place each half on a plate, then cut in half and score several times – you want the potatoe to be spread out. Then add 1/2 the vegetables on top of each baked potato. Next crumble the pecans and add 1/2 to each vegetable medley. Chop the dates and add them next. Salt to taste. Makes 2 large servings. ENJOY!

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