The Authentic Yoga Teacher Training Begins With Part I: Deepen Your Yoga Practice
We have separated our Yoga Teacher Training program into two parts.
Part I: Deepen Your Yoga Practice is all about YOU. It will give you the fundamentals to begin learning how to become a great teacher.
In Part II: Teaching Yoga With Confidence you will learn teaching methodologies, yoga philosophy, anatomy and how it relates to specific yoga poses. You will also have the opportunity to practice teach with other students online.
NOTE: You must register for Part I in order to register for Part II. The entire Authentic Yoga Teacher Training is 200 hours of study time. This is 75 hours in Part I and additional 125 hours in Part II.
Deepen Your Yoga Practice – 75 Hours: Pre-Recorded AND Live Streaming
What You Will Learn:
- Proper Alignment in Yoga Postures as it relates to your body
- Different Styles of Yoga and what style(s) work best for you
- How to use props with confidence
- Mudras, Mantras, Bandhas and how to incorporate this into your practice
- How to create your own personal / home practice
- The chakras and energy centers within your body
- Pranayama (breath techniques)
- Introduction into the eight limbs of yoga
- How to meditate
- Ayurvedic principles for overall health and well-being