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Osteoporosis: Not Just A Women’s Disease

May 7, 2017

Did You Know Over 10 Million People In The US Have Osteoporosis?…And if you think this is only a women’s disease you are incorrect. There are more men who have Osteoporosis than have Prostate Cancer. And there are more women who have Osteoporosis than Breast and Ovarian Cancer combined.

Why Do So Many People Have This Condition?

Lifestyle plays an important role in bone health – this includes both what we eat, drink and also our daily activities.

Processed foods and high protein diets reduce the amount of Osteoblast cells produced in the body. Osteoblast cells have one job — they produce new bone. Your body continually is shedding old bone and producing new. When your body sheds old bone faster than what it can produce new bone you end up with low bone density — or Osteopenia/Osteoporosis.

Daily activities … or lack of exercise and sitting all day weakens the bones. It is important to have some type of weight bearing exercise to maintain strong bones.

Is It Possible To Reverse This Condition Naturally?

Absolutely! If your body is shedding old bone faster than producing new bone, then the answer is to reverse this. By assisting the body to produce more new bone while still shedding old bone you can reverse the condition.

In 2010 I was diagnosed with Osteopenia and instead of taking prescription drugs I decided to find a natural approach. I came up with a specific prototcol I call “The Osteo-Blast Method”.

The Osteo-Blast Method

The Osteo-Blast Method includes a very specific 20 minute exercise program and a nutrition/supplement plan. THIS METHOD WORKS — it reverses the disease! How?

The Osteo-Blast Method allows the body to build bone faster and stronger than the old bone is shed, therefore reversing Osteoporosis.

If you have not been diagnosed with Osteoporosis chances are you know someone who has… a sister, an aunt, your mom or grandmother, not to mention your dad, brother or grandfather.

Sign Up For A Free Consultation
Want to learn more about my Osteo-Blast Method? Download my FREE Guide – Reversing Osteoporosis Naturally.

You can also sign up for a FREE 45 minute consultation to learn more about my program and how you can reverse Osteoporosis naturally.

I’d love to talk to you and help you conquer this condition! I did it and you can too!

  1. Martha jimenez says:

    Very helpful information

    1. Cindy Bartz says:

      Yes, with more and more folks sitting all day it has started to affect men as well.

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