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Learn The Art Of Embracing Mind, Body, Spirit!

Learn An Ancient Chinese Practice!

A 4-Week Series (8 Classes)

Intro To Tai Chi & Qigong is a 4-Week Series. The class will start with beginner movements and gradually progress.

Learn Two Powerful Practices To Improve Your Health!

Qigong (pronounced Chee – Gong) is an ancient Chinese practice, considered the sister to Accupuncture. The movements are easy to learn and work internally with the meridians, energy channels, within your body to improve your health and vitality.

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art. The movements are gentle on the joints and will increase your flexibility, strength and balance.

Considered A Moving Meditation

For those seeking peace of mind, learning how to calm the mind and how to meditate. Both Tai Chi and Qigong are considered moving meditations. The moves are gentle, slow and repetitious allowing you to shift your attention inward, calming the body and the mind.


You MUST Pre-Register For This Series

Class size is limited in order to give personalize attention. Each class will build from the prior class. By the end of the series you will have learned a 15-minute Qigong sequence and a 10-minute Tai Chi sequence that you will be able to practice on your own. You will also learn Crane Walk, Wuji Gong and a powerful breath technique.

Begins Monday, January 13 in Tarpon Springs

The series begins Monday, March 2, 2020. Classes are held at the Tarpon Springs Community Center every Monday and Friday from 2:30 – 3:30. Each class you will learn something new. Both Tai Chi and Qigong are considered one of the most effective exercises for health of the mind and body.

“Every person who uses Qi cultivation methods consistently experiences some form of health improvement and personal access to greater energy and power.” – Dr. Roger Jahnke


Space Is Limited
** Pre-Registration Is Required To Reserve Your Spot **

4-Week Series
Call the Tarpon Springs Recreation Division To Register
(727) 942-5628
Cost: $45 (With Rec Card) ** $60 (Without Rec Card)


Call, Text or Email
Cindy at 727-743-4236