Are you having some digestion concerns? When eating a meal your stomach starts churning the food you have eaten and heating the food up. The food becomes a soupy mixture and must reach about 100 degrees Farenheit in order for your body to work effeciently and to begin digesting your food properly. The Chinese refer to this as digestive fire – its Yang in nature.
People who are prone to being a little too Yin in nature sometimes experience digestion concerns. You probably feel cold most of the time. You are more prone to sitting around, reading, watching tv and your exercise routine is usually more gentle or subdued.
Here’s a great tonic recipe that not only tastes great, but will help you rev up your digestive fire.
1 cup distilled water at room temperature
1 1/2 TBSP apple cider vinegar – unfiltered
2 tsp honey – raw and unfiltered
Juice of 1/4 lemon
gr. cinnamon
gr ginger
cayenne pepper
Mix all the ingredients together, drink the tonic 10 minutes before each meal.
Try this tonic for 1 full week and see results. After 1 week you can cut down the tonic to your first meal of the day.
Leave me a message below on your results.
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