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CLASS sChedule

Currently I Offer Six Online, Interactive Classes Each Week

Try A Week Of Classes For Only $1!

Day:Time (EST):Class:Location:Registration:Cost:
Monday9:45-11:00aFoundations & AlignmentYoga Village - Clearwater, FLREGISTER NOW!$20
Monday5:30-6:30pRestorative YogaONLINE
Tuesday5:45-6:30pTai ChiYoga Village - Clearwater, FLREGISTER NOW!$20
Wednesday9:30-10:30aGentle/Chair YogaONLINEREGISTER NOW!$10
Thursday11-12:15pAuthentic YogaYoga Village - Clearwater, FLREGISTER NOW!$20
Thursday11-12:15pAuthentic YogaONLINEREGISTER NOW!$11
Friday9:30-10:30aGentle/Chair YogaONLINEREGISTER NOW!$10

Yin/Yang Yoga

Monday: 10:30-11:45a EST

** OFFERED THRU YOGA VILLAGE ** $11 per class  ** 

Class Description:  This Live Online class blends two styles of yoga into one practice, bringing together the benefits of passively holding yoga poses (Yin) with a dynamic energetic flow sequence (Yang). Read More…

Gentle Hatha

Tuesday: 10:00-11:15a EST

** OFFERED THRU YOGA VILLAGE ** $18 per class  ** 

Class Description:  Hatha is a traditional style of yoga that focuses on fundamental postures and holding for extended periods of time. This allows one to focus attention while increasing strength and flexibility. Space is limited. CV-19 Protocols Apply. Read More…

Chakra Yoga

Wednesday: 9:45-11:00a EST

** OFFERED THRU YOGA VILLAGE ** $18 per class  ** 

Class Description:  This In-Studio Class will assist in balancing your energy channels  inviting more calmness and inner peace into your life. Appropriate for all levels. Space is limited, CV-19 Protocols Apply. Read More…

Yoga Flow – November Series

Mon & Wed: 3:45-5p EST

** NOVEMBER SPECIAL ** 8 Classes for Only $40!!  ** 

Class Description:  This Live Online class will energize and get you moving, increase your flexibility, strength and stamina Read More…

Qigong & Tai Chi for Health & Vitality — November Series

Tues & Thurs: 2:30-3:30p EST

** NOVEMBER SPECIAL ** 7 Classes for Only $30!!  **

Class Description:  7 Live, Online Classes are included in this series for only $30! Come join us and learn the ancient Chinese practice of Qigong & Tai Chi!  This is a hybrid class that includes learning both Qigong and Tai Chi.  Read More…

Gentle Yoga for Health & Vitality– November Series

Tues: 4:30p & Fri: 9:30a EST

** NOVEMBER SPECIAL **  8 Classes for Only $40!!

Class Description: 8 Live, Online Classes are included in this series for only $40!  This class series is designed to reduce stress, increase your range of motion and flexibility. It is for all fitness levels. Read More…


Pre-Recorded Classes

Yoga Flow — 12 Classes ONLY $45!

Breathe, Move & Energize!

** FALL SPECIAL **  12 Classes for Only $45!! 

Class Description:  Ready to reduce stress and energize your body? 12 pre-recorded sessions are now available for you to practice anytime, anywhere!

All classes are designed to reduce stress using the breath with dynamic movements and poses to release tension and energize the body.

Each class is different but equally energizing. We will begin with a traditional flow such as sun salutations and move into salutation variations and standing flows. Poses will combine strength, flexibility and balance.

Classes include floor exercises and a final relaxing guided meditation.

How To Boost Your Immune System – 5 Part Series!

Learn 7 Steps You Can Start TODAY To Regain Your Health and Prevent Disease.

** FALL SPECIAL **  Only $20!!

Class Description: These are 5 pre-recorded sessions with a Q & A at the end of each class. Watch and learn anytime, anywhere!

The information in this 5-part series is discussed from my book, “Boost Your Immune System”.

You will learn how to:
1. Reduce Stress and Anxiety
2. Prevent Disease
3. Reduce Pain & Inflammation
4. Get a Good Night’s Sleep
5. Optimize Your Health

By incorporating these 7 steps into our daily life you can boost and help your body to become strong. By following the steps in this book your body can begin to heal itself — this includes type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, specific types of cancer and liver disease, to name a few.

I used these exact techniques to create a healthy, strong body. I am now pain free, off all my medications and live my life to the fullest… AND YOU CAN TOO!

SIGN UP TODAY and Regain Your Health & Vitality!

** FALL SPECIAL **  Only $20!!

Check Out All My Online Classes!

Come join me, learn something new, get inspired and experience inner peace.

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Check Out My YouTube Channel

Or Sign Up For A Private Virtual Session

Sooooo Convenient

YouTube Channel

Check Out My YouTube Channel — Over 50 Videos on Yoga, Qigong, Flexibility and Much More!


Want to study privately with me? I offer Private Sessons in Yoga, Flexibility Training, Qigong and Nutrition for individuals, couples and groups.

I come to you or meet me online!

Practice anytime and anywhere!

Meditate With Me

Find me on Insight Timer, a free meditation app. Listen to one of my guided meditations or relax to a yoga nidra practice.