We often think of a person BEING authentic.. but in order to BE AUTHENTIC we must PRACTICE. It’s a choice, it’s something that we cultivate and it’s not inherit. Brene’ Brown explains, “The heart of authenticity is the courage to be vulnerable.”
Vulnerability can be scary! When we connect with others without judging ourself and simply BEING is when we become most vulnerable. Most Westerns and progressive countries seem to live in a culture where people think vulnerability is weak. Yet it takes real courage to be vulnerable, true to ourself and live authentically. In past generations males learned this very young. They were told to “toughen up” or they would be labeled as weak — in otherwords – don’t be vulnerable. At the core of this can be feelings of shame, fear and insecurities.
How many times have you seen someone cry and they apologize? No apology is needed, this is being authentic. When we let the feelings of fear and insecurity fall away we have the opportunity to release the past and bring in feelings of joy, love, oneness and inspiration.
As humans we are more alike than different. When we truly share our joys and hurts we connect heart to heart and have the opportunity to make a difference. We listen, have compassion, cry, laugh and build relationships. Everyone is unique in their own way, we are all needed and each and every one of us makes a difference in this big beautiful world.
When we take the time to be true to ourself, to practice authenticity, we realize the miracle that we are. We begin to see ourself at a deeper level, we become more creative and connected to our spirit.
How do we practice authenticity? Start by asking yourself these questions:
- What really brings me joy?
- Who am I at my core?
- If no one was watching what would I do, who would I be?
Start from there and the more you practice the more meaningful your life will become.
For me authenticity is part of my spiritual practice. When we practice authenticity we are more likely to enjoy healthier and more meaningful relationships and become a happier person.
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