Have you ever watched a baby sleep? Their bellies rise and fall as they breathe in and out. This is how we are all suppose to breath, many of us; because of stress, fear, worry; have changed our breath to shallow, inefficient chest breathing. When we breathe shallow less oxygen is available to the body which sets up a chain reaction of physical events including elevated blood pressure and heart rate. Oxygen is converted into energy in the body. We feel sluggish, tired, lethargic.
There are literally hundreds of breath techniques, many dating back thousands of years. This blog is part one of a series that will teach you some easy techniques you will be able to incorporate into your life. For more advanced breath techniques you should find a qualified teacher. I personally train people on several more advanced techniques. These techniques can increase endorphins, heat up the body, boost metabolism, give a sense of euphoria and may reverse disease. BTW – Did you know cancer hates oxygen? Extensive and advanced breath work may prevent and in some cases reverse cancer!
Breath Technique #1: Low Abdominal/Diaphragm Breathing
Technically this is how we should always be breathing – this should be our natural breath. Unfortunately for many of us we have forgotten. So let’s relearn how to breathe!
- Sit comfortably or lie on your back.
- Place your hands on your belly button.
- The mouth should be closed, relax the face and jaw.
- Notice the tip of your tongue naturally touches the upper palette.
- Begin to breathe in through the nose and bring the breath to the lower belly.
- Allow your belly to rise with the inhalation.
- The breath should not be forced.
- Exhale through the nose in a relaxed manner. Place your attention on slowing down, and lengthening the exhale.
- Allow your belly to fall, moving naturally in towards the spine on the exhalation.
- Do not force the exhalation.
This breath allows the body to naturally become energized during the inhalations and as you exhale you are releasing toxins. You will improve blood pressure, heart rate, immune system, brain waves, digestion and it can help you fall asleep.
As you practice if any of the above steps feel uncomfortable or painful, modify to fit your needs. I can teach you, but I cannot physically feel what you are feeling. Listen to your body and adjust as needed. Remember this is your practice.
Remember to not force the breath, allow the breath to naturally move in and out through the nose in a relaxed manner. Over time and with practice the breath will become longer and deeper.
Start with 5 minutes and do several times a day. This also works well as a stress management tool when:
- Waiting in traffic or line (ATM, grocery, customer service, etc.)
- Before starting a difficult or challenging task
- Before a meeting or special event
- When speaking in public
- When frustrated or annoyed
How many times should you breathe in a minute? About 10 – that’s 1 breath (in and out) every 6 seconds. Less than that and you are an EXPERT. You will find the more you practice the longer and deeper your breath will get. Some people, when completely relaxed only breathe 4 – 6 times each minute! The slower you can bring the breath down the better. Tortoises breathe 1 – 2 times per minute and they usually live well over 100 years. Ancient Chinese masters revere the tortoise because the tortoise knows how to regulate the breath. This is a key to longevity. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the lower abdominal area is one of the three treasures, known as Jing. When you breathe from the lower abdominal area you are strengthening the Jing. This strengthens and energizes the physical body.
Want to learn more about breathwork? Download my FREE e-book, Boost Your Immune System. Now available at Amazon.com, Nook, Kobo and Scribd
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